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Changing the Theme  Испечати

Installing Drupal from the Control Panel

The default Drupal installation comes bundled with a few themes that you can change from your administration area.

1. From your admin panel, go to Administer -> Site building -> Themes.

2. Once you've found a theme, select the Enabled and Default check box and radio button.

Uploading a New Theme

1. If you would like to download and install other themes, more can be found at The Official Drupal Theme Resource.

 After you've downloaded a theme file (most will be a .tar, .rar., or
.zip file) extract it to it's own directory and then upload that folder
to the /themes directory of your Drupal installation.

3. You should now be able to go back to Administer -> Site building -> Themes and see the new theme listed.

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