
Creating a Contact Form  列印本文

Creating a Contact Form in Drupal

1. From your Drupal admin panel, go to Administer -> Site Building -> Modules.

2. Check the box next to the Contact module and click Save configuration at the bottom.

3. Next, we can set up the contact form categories (fields). Go to Administer -> Site Building -> Contact Form.

4. Select Add category at the top.

5. Enter a category, the form recipients, and the auto-reply message that will be sent to the submitter. Click Save at the bottom when finshed.

6. Next, go to the Settings
 option at the top to enter additional information to be displayed on
the form and the hourly threshold for submissions. Setting this at a low
 number will prevent people from spamming your form.

7. Now, we will need to set permissions to allow visitors to be able to see the contact form. Go to Administer -> User Managment -> Permissions.

8. Find the Contact Module and you can enable it for anonymous visitors and registered users. Select Save at the bottom when finished.

9. Lastly, we will want to add the contact form link to your navigation menu. Go to Administer -> Site Building -> Menus.

10. Select Add Menu at the top. This page will allow you to set a menu name, title, and description. Click Save at the bottom when finished.

11. Finally, select the Settings
 option at the top. We can specify the path to the contact page, the
link title, a description, and enable or orgainize the parent menu item.
 Select Save when finished and your link will now be in your site's menu.



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